Tuesday 25 March 2008

My day at the Bay

Hello again. I've had another busy day today. I've been to Cardiff Bay and it was very exciting! First we saw these amazing bronze statues of two people and a Great Dane.

I thought they were what we'd come to see and I even sat on the bronze lady's lap, but then we walked round the corner and.....

TORCHWOOD TOWER!! I couldn't believe my eyes! Look how tall it is. Look how shiny! They even put the waterfall on especially for me.

We waited around for ages in case Captain Jack came up through a secret hatch in the pavement, but he didn't, so we went to explore the rest of the Bay. This cool building is called the Millenium Centre. It looks like a giant armadillo.

We were walking around it when we suddenly heard a scary noise....'Exterminate! Exterminate!'

You can probably see me shaking in the picture. I was scared! But it was OK because The Doctor and Rose arrived just in time to save me :)

And that was my exciting day at Cardiff Bay!

Lots of love,

Scarlett xxx