Sunday 27 January 2008

Going To Work

January 10, 2008

This morning I had to get up very early. I am not a morning person. Apparently neither is my carer. Molly was very keen on getting up though. I wish I was more perky like she is. Before we left, my carer gave me a hat and a scarf to wear because it was tooooo cold outside, even for bears!

Then, when we got to the office she gave me a tour. I got to meet a pink pig and he even let me ride him! Wowsers. That was so much fun.

Yeeeehawwwww! Ride the Piggy!!!

Then it was time for her to get some work done. I got to press buttons on the remote control and navigate through the browser.

After four hours we got to go back home on the bus and the train. I was rather knackered and thought I best take a little nap. It was a fun day though :) That afternoon we were planning on going out and take a tour around London but it was really chucking it, so we stayed in and watched a movie called Brother Bear. I liked it a lot. :)